This post/rant may get big enough that I thought it could stand alone.
After uploading all of my photos, I thought that I would pre-generate all of the image previews so that I'd have them all ready when I want to view them. It doesn't take too long to generate them on the fly, but it's long enou...
I stumbled across this today:
It's a nice, easy way to calculate the area or distance of something using google maps. I was quickly able to determine my lawn size (~9300 sq ft) as well as how long the path around the neighborhood pond is (~1/4 mi).
I need to put together another post about my syncthing vs seafile vs nextcloud experiment. But this post is just about nextcloud and the setup/quirks I've run into with it.
Put the file here
I only vaugely recall running these:
Initial Debian Setup
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
systemctl reboot
#apt-get install curl
#apt-get install gnupg
apt-get install sudo
adduser chris
usermod -aG sudo chris
Install Syncthing
# Add the release PGP keys:
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
# Add...
A good writeup here:
Drew's goods:
#!/bin/bashPARAMS=""while (( "$#" )); do
case "$1" in
shift 2
--) # end argument parsing
Running list of items that may or may not be worth my time.